Portrait Painting Tutorial | Layering & Drawing

In this week’s portrait painting video we take a look at a layering process. The goal is to make the development of a painting more relaxing through the usage of multiple layers of paint. If you would like to see more of my artwork, please follow/check out my Instagram page at: If you would like to contact me, here is a link to my website: The materials used in this video are listed below, Canvas: 9x12” Acrylic Primed Linen Canvas - Master’s Touch brand Drawing Paper: 11x14” Strathmore Pastel Paper 11x14” Stratmore transfer paper Drawing Materials: Winsor & Newton Medium Vine Charcoal, Kneaded Eraser, Cheap Watercolor Brush (for smudging) Oil Paints: -Lead White No 1. - Rublev -Raw Umber - Plaza Brand -Alizarin Crimson - Gamblin -Cadmium Red - Gamblin -Cadmium Yellow - Gamblin -Yellow Ochre - Gamblin -Sap Green - Gamblin -Ultramarine Blue - Gamblin
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