[FREE] DARK AMBIENT x WITCH HOUSE x DARKWAVE type beat / worn blades / (prod. wholen.t)

⛧if you like this, please subscribe to help me grow! ⛧must credit (prod. wholen.t) ⛧130 BPM A#min This beat is free for non-profit use only. For profit use you have to purchase a lease. Contact me to buy it. Бит бесплатный только для некоммерческого использования. Покупка и любые вопросы VK или TG. [ Gmail: wholentmusic@ ] [ Instagram: @wholentbeats ] [ TG: ] [ VK: ] [ TG Beats: ] [ VK: ] ________________________________________________________________________________________________ witch house type beat,free witch house type beat,witch house type beat free,witchouse type beat,witchh...ouse type beat,axius link type beat,δxius liиk type beat,witch house music,darkwave type beat,free darkwave type beat,dark wave type beat,wave type beat,dark ambient type beat,dark ambient type beat free,vsn7 type beat,lorn type beat,witch house,ambient type beat,acid rain type beat,dark ambient x witch house x darkwave type beat,wave,darkwave,hardwave #witchhouse #darkambient #wave #darkwave
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