Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning of a Pretrained Neural Network with Keras and TensorFlow

In this Neural Networks and Deep Learning Tutorial, we will talk about Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning of a Pretrained Neural Network with Keras and TensorFlow. We will go over what transfer learning is, why it can be useful and how to do it. We will also talk about fine-tuning a neural network and how it can be done after transfer learning. At the end of the video, I’ll show you how all of this can be done with Keras in Python. We will go over it step by step, modify and train the Convolutional Neural Network. Join the public Discord Chat here: If you want to become a Patreon: Code examples from this tutorial will be available on my GitHub: I’ll be doing other tutorials alongside this one, where we are going to use C for Algorithms and Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Vision with OpenCV. The purpose of this tutorial and channel is to build an online coding library where diff
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