How Apple scans your phone (and how to evade it) - NeuralHash CSAM Detection Algorithm Explained

#apple #icloud #privacy Apple recently announced scanning all images uploaded to iCloud for CSAM (child abuse material), and that this scan would happen locally on users’ phones. We take a look at the technical report and explore how the system works in detail, how it is designed to preserve user privacy, and what weak points it still has. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Introduction 3:05 - System Requirements 9:15 - System Overview 14:00 - NeuralHash 20:45 - Private Set Intersection 31:15 - Threshold Secret Sharing 35:25 - Synthetic Match Vouchers 38:20 - Problem 1: Who controls the database? 42:40 - Problem 2: Adversarial Attacks 49:40 - Comments & Conclusion Paper: ML News Episode about CSAM: Abstract: CSAM Detection enables Apple to accurately identify and report iCloud users who store known Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) in their iCloud Photos accounts. Apple servers flag accounts exceeding a threshold number
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