Cognitive Simulation - Dr. Brian K. Spears (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Title: Cognitive Simulation: Combining simulation and experiment with artificial intelligence
Speaker: Dr. Brian K. Spears, Director, Cognitive Simulation Initiative, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Large-scale scientific endeavors often focus on improving predictive capabilities by challenging theory-driven simulations with experimental data. Yet, both simulation and experiment have become overwhelmingly rich, with a complex of observables including scalars, vector-valued data, and various images. At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), we are using modern artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to combine predictive simulation models with rich experimental data. We call this set of methods cognitive simulation. We will describe a strategic LLNL research effort aimed at using recent advances in deep learning, computational workflows, and computer architectures to develop improved predictive models.
We will present work from a wide range of applications, including using inerti