Vimana - (Ancient aircraft)

This project is a 3d representation of vimanas (kind of present day ufo) created by Guru Prasad Narayanan, . Digital Video & Special Effects, Leeds Metropolitan University 2012. Vimana are ancient aircraft technology findings after research behind the subject According to many researchers and scientists, around 16000 BC man was using a complete new technology to fly. These technologies are completely alien to the present. about 200 Vedic texts which were translated into english by 1857 of which lies the vimanika shashtra (aeronautical engineering). David Hatcher childress in the book Technology of Gods, explains in detail about his research over how the vimanas function, how the vimanas are made, manuals for pilot, what pilot has to wear These vimanas are supposed to be made of alloys of Gold and variious other metals. which for present day would be a massivly expensive aircraft. i wanted to create a 3d graphical piece which would depict this vimana. Adapting to documentry style with
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