Apple Watch Demo (2014) - Interactive Demonstration - The Forgotten Apple Device - Apple Demo

Apple Watch Demo units are extremely rare to find, however earlier variants of these units used to actually be interactive with the Apple Watch. The iPad mini 2 an Apple Watch or actually paired (similar to how an iPhone would be paired with an Apple Watch). This feature however was quickly removed from Apple Watch Demo, as the Apple Watch would have pairing issues with the iPad (and would often disconnect). This has caused any Apple Watch demo units that have such interactive Demo software to become extremely valuable and rarer than standard Apple Watch Demos. So basically, these units are even more rare than Apple Watch demo with the non-interactive Demo content, which is rarer than Apple Watch demo without demo content, which is rarer than Apple Watch demo missing the Apple Watch, which is just rare in itself. Song used: Clef - Solipsist (By The Music Elk)
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