Гигант и карлики, Париж, 1928

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Dwarf and midget troupe from entertainment group with a very tall man (giant) along through streets of Paris. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Refers to large and short men in language of the period FRANCE: Paris: Very tall man (giant) with group of small people (dwarves and midgets) walking through streets of Paris / Extremely tall man holds short man up to lamppost to get light for his cigarette. Background: Dwarf and midget troupe from entertainment group with a very tall man (giant) along through streets of Paris. FILM ID: VLVA35WO79RKHACGL7WW2W39XG5XM To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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