Шарик csupo effects Sponsored by Тимофей Гусельников
0. original
1. The real g najor 4
2. confusion
3. confusion The real g major 4
4. I killed
5. too ruins tree
6. g major 2
7. g major 5
8. luig group
9. low voice
10. slow voice
11. does respond
12. my 122’s major
13. chorded
14. pitch black
15. Goo Goo Gaa Gaa
16. green lovers
17. vocoder V2
18. g major 1
19. pitch white
20. Intel
21. reverserd
22. black and white reverserd
New effects
1. Robot effect capcut
2. electronic sounds capcut
3. Purple and orange thermal
4. My radio effect capcut
5. sunth 1
6. Pixitracker major 3
7. RGB to BGR
8. Dma
9. Crying X
10. sponge
11. Low battery effect capcut
12. Conga busher