“Strongest Glass on any Smartphone“? SquareTrade Tests the New iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus
After dunking, dropping, bending and freezing the new iPhones, as well as the new Samsung Galaxy Note5, SquareTrade got its answer. Note, the correct Breakability Score for the iPhone 6s is 4.5. The Breakability Score for the iPhone 6s Plus is 5.
9 years ago 00:01:59 85
“Strongest Glass on any Smartphone“? SquareTrade Tests the New iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus “strongest glass on any smartphone“?
7 years ago 00:06:25 2
iPhone 8 vs Galaxy S8 Drop Test! Strongest Glass Ever?
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What is metallic glass? - Ashwini Bharathula
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iPhone 8 Scratch Test! How Resistant Is New Glass?