Form, form, form the banana. Peel, peel, peel the banana. Slice, slice, slice the banana. Go, go, go bananas. Go bananas! Form, form, form the potato. Peel, peel, peel the potato. Slice, slice, slice the potato. Mash, mash, mash the potato. Now mash! Form, form, form the orange. Peel, peel, peel the orange. Slice, slice, slice the orange. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze the orange. Now squeeze! Form, form, form the guitar. Play it like a rock star. Jump, jump like a rock star. Rock, rock, rock the guitar. Now rock! Form, form, form the corn. Shuck, shuck, shuck the corn. Cut, cut, cut the corn. Now, pop, pop, pop the corn. Now pop! Form, form, form a big ball. Kick, kick, kick the big ball. Throw, throw, throw the big ball. Bounce, bounce, bounce the big ball. Now bounce!
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