Everyone was surprised after trying it! Simple and delicious garlic bread recipe

Everyone was surprised after trying it! Simple and delicious garlic bread recipe Ingredients and recipe: 135ml water 12g white sugar 3g active dry yeast Mix and wait for 5 minutes 1 egg Whisk the egg with a fork Save about 10ml for later Mix well 300g All purpose or bread flour 3g salt Mix well 15ml olive oil Knead the dough Move to a work surface and continue to knead the dough Cover and rise until double-size 50g softened salted butter 4 cloves of garlic Mash the garlic using a mortar and pestle Add the garlic to the butter 10g chopped parsley Mix well Loaf pan size: 9x5“ Spread unsalted butter in the pan Deflate the air bubbles Sprinkle some flour Flatten the dough with a rolling pin The dough should be about 18x35cm Measure the width of the pan on the dough Spread the garlic butter on the dough 80g mozzarella cheese Roll up the dough from the short end Pinch the edges Cut the dough into 10 p
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