What is DEFCON and What are its Levels

In this video, I’ll answer the question – What is DEFCON, and what are its levels? An alert state used by the United States Armed Forces, the term “DEFCON” refers to “defense readiness condition.” The DEFCON system was established in 1959 – a mere two years after the United States and Canada agreed to form the “North American Air Defense Command” or “NORAD.” Situated in Colorado Springs, Colorado, this was a bi-national command center tasked with controlling the continent’s air defenses in case of an attack by bombers from the Soviet Union. At first, NORAD made use of the readiness levels “Normal, Increased, and Maximum,” which were further subdivided into eight different conditions. However, in October 1959, the Joint Chiefs of Staff opted to switch to the DEFCON system, which they had developed. While the different levels of DEFCON initially remained a closely guarded secret, information about them was declassified in 2006. Today, the public knows the various descriptions and colors that designate a specific readiness condition and the exercise terms that the United States Department of Defenses uses. Here’s an overview of the different DEFCON levels and what they mean: ------------------- Several segments are licensed under creative commons ✅Subscribe: ✅Share this video with a friend: ⭐Watch next – Recommended Playlist – ✅Let’s connect: ------------------- #DEFCON #InterestingFacts #LetsTeach
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