Александровский дворец / Alexander Palace 1917

Царскосельские интерьеры в автохромах  Александровский дворец Андрей Андреевич Заест 1917 Tsarskoye Selo interiors in autochromes Alexander Palace Andrey Andreevich Zeest 1917 Музыка: В.Овчинники. Сюита № 6 Music: V. Ovchinnikov. Suite No. 6 On the night of 1 (14) August 1917, the family of the last Emperor left the Alexander Palace, which four hours later received G. K. Lukomsky as Chairman of the Commission for the reception and accounting of the property of the Tsarskoye Selo Palace administration. At the same time, realizing the memorial value of the items entrusted to him, he appealed to the Commissioner of the Provisional government over the former Ministry of the Court and the Destinies FA Golovin: “For a better cataloging of equipment of artistic value, it would be desirable to photograph all the most valuable items in the palaces, as well as the consolidation for posterity and science of order and type of furniture arrangement in 1917,
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