Check these 3D printed fractals:
Fractal animation rendered with Mandelbulb3D (_Folding1 Amazing Box)
Render time : about 3 days (High DE value created artifacts)
Soundtrack made with Digitakt (Anasine waveform Elektron magic)
Back to basics : the Amazing Box. I had a lot of fun working on this animation!
My previous video was a Kleinian in 720p (these are calculation expensive especially when there are spirals) and I had a few requests to make it bigger, so I decided the next one would be in 1080p. But I don’t have a render farm and I didn’t want to wait for 3 weeks, so I had to select a fast formula, the Amazing Box being great for this. I threw in some pre-transform to get some extra params to tweak, and I used a high DE Stop and raystep multiplier to make calculation even faster. I know the Abox bears qui