Troubadours and Trobairitz, the most complete collection - Clemencic Consort

Ensemble: Clemencic Consort Album: Troubadours vol. I - II • Between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries in Occitania, a territory that included southern Spain, France and Northern Italy, a new artistic, poetic and musical movement developed. These musicians and poets, called troubadours, or if women, trobairitz, start to compose poems also in occitan and not only in Latin. This new style came after the first crusades, in which William IX of Aquitaine also know as “the first troubadour“ took part. The troubadours’ music was influenced with Arabian taste, because that land called “Outremer“ was very inspiring for its musical innovations and instruments. Under the influence of the troubadours related movements sprang up throughout Europe, like the Minnesang in Germany and the trouvères in northern France. The lyrics of troubadours touch many themes from chivalry to courtly love, many were political, humorous or vulgar satires. Works can be grouped into three styles: the trobar leu, trobar ric, and trobar clus; likewise there were many genres like canso, sirventes and tensos. After the Albigensian crusade and the continuous oppression by the lords of Northern France against the South, many troubadours and trobairitz fled to Spain and Italy, staying in the most important courts such as that of Ferrara, Mantua, Venice, Milan and Monferrato. We are already on the threshold of 1300, it is thought that this migration has laid the foundations for the much celebrated Renaissance... • 01 - Anon () - A l’entrada del temps clar 02 - Peirol () - Quant Amors trobèt partit... 03 - Anon - Peire Vidal - Vida et Razos 04 - Peire Vidal (1175-1204) - Barons de mon dan convit 05 - Bernart de Ventadorn () - Quand vei la lauzeta mover 07 - Rambaut de Vaqueiras () - Calenda maia 08 - Anon. La Comtessa de Dia - Vida 09 - Comtessa de Dia () - A Chantar 10 - Anon. Azalais de Porcairagues - Vida 11 - Azalais de Porcairagues (XIIe s) - Ar em al freg temps vengut 12 - Anon. Bernart de Ventadorn - Vida 13 - Bernart de Ventadorn - Can l’erba 14 - Anon. Folquet de Marselha - Vida 15 - Folquet de Marslha () - Sitot me soi 16 - Anon. Guilhem de Cabestanh - Vida 17 - Anon. Marcabrun - Vida 18 - Marcabrun () - L’autrier jost’una sebissa 19 - Anon () - Novel amor 20 - Raimon de Miraval () - Selh que non vol 21 - Anon. Jaufre Rudel - Vida 4 • Buy: 🌻 The monetization of this channel is disabled to offer the highest possible listening quality. Please support the channel with a free donation:
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