Once again, we are witnessing a series of incidents involving migrants and ethnic diasporas in Russia. This time, it i

🇦🇿 🇷🇺 🇹🇷 Once again, we are witnessing a series of incidents involving migrants and ethnic diasporas in Russia. This time, it is a group of teenagers, mostly Azerbaijanis, who are causing trouble for the residents of Putilkovo, near Moscow. These teenagers, for some reason, are carrying flags of Azerbaijan and Turkey, with an image of Ataturk on them. They are using sophisticated threats to intimidate the local diaspora, and one photo even shows a sign associated with the nationalist group “Bozkurt“. It is worth noting that “Bozkurt“ or “Gray Wolves“ is a Turkish organization that aims to spread pan-Turkism worldwide. This terrorist group, recognized in many countries (except Russia), dreams of reviving the “Great Turan“ and claimed responsibility for shooting down a Russian Su-24 bomber in Syria in 2015. The fact that representatives of different ethnic groups have come together to form a gang and spread fear in the city is a rhetorical question, given the similar incidents happening throughout Russia. In St. Petersburg, for example, Azerbaijanis have been assaulting pedestrians, hiding behind powerful connections. We have repeatedly highlighted the problem of the lack of appropriate response to the actions of migrants and ethnic diasporas in Russia. This inaction and lenient attitude only fuel more violence, which affects not only ethnic Russians but also individuals from other ethnic groups in our diverse country. Continued tolerance towards this matter will only worsen the situation within the country. The presence of flags with Ataturk or the gestures of the Gray Wolves is just the beginning. #Azerbaijan #multinationalism #Russia #Turkey If you support our cause, you can support us here. Original msg Источник: Rybar in English
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