Live⚠️ Good weather turned into a cataclysm, drowning 18 Brazilian cities without a trace!

The rains will not stop in Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Bahia and Alagoas. A warning from weather services forecasting a violent storm worsening the flooding and slopes that are already devastating several municipalities in these states. In Greater Florianopolis, the prefectures of 18 cities have declared a state of emergency - in Benedito Novo, nine people had to be rescued by helicopter, and in Colatin, the risk of a dam failure on the Bauniglia River is rising. In the state of Bahia, the state government has set up a crisis committee to provide assistance to flood affected areas. Since they are underwater, the municipalities around the capital of Santa Catarina have been forced to declare a state of emergency. The air operations battalion from Santa Catarina carried out four raids to rescue people isolated by flooding in the municipality of Benedito Novo. According to civil defense data, 47 mm of rain was recorded in the Greater Florianopolis area - houses and commercial
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