[OFFICIAL] Michael Jackson Dance Tribute, Budapest - Aug 16, 2009
Dear Citizens of this Planet!
Something happened in the World on 25th bad.... But there comes the time when we can make something good! This Planet has to awake! Do you remember? We have to make this world a better place. We have only 4 years left...
Take a look at yourself and make a change! You can do it by yourself!
That was Michael Jackson’s message to us. This is our message to you! In Hungary we made flash mobs to show high respect for his life and work. We made a short video from these events.
There is a video competition in Hungary at our biggest TV channel. We decided to offer the prize for charity if we won.
Help us with your vote please!
You have to register quickly and then just vote for our video. This is simple and you can help us in charity purposes. One for all and all for a better world! :)
“Volt egy ember s volt egy rövid üzenet
Gyógyítsuk meg MOST a saját Földünket!
Ezrek járják táncát, dalolnak éneket
Kiáltása vajon hányakat érintett?
Tedd most Te is gyorsan szívedre kezed,
Borzalmakat látva lehunyod szemed?
Tettél-e Te azért, hogy ne így legyen,
Lesz-e élet holnap még e szép helyen?“
/ismeretlen szerző/
This is the official video clip of the Michael Jackson Dance Tribute in Budapest from Frankee. More than 500 dancers learned the choreography via internet. The movement was inspired by Stockholm’s flashmob tribute created by Bounce Streetdance Company.
Official site:
Directed by Frankee
Choreography: Nia
Cameramen: Czetele Győző, Fábián Márton, Walter Péter, Cruel
Ripping: PeetsFilm
Special thanks to Lala, Idy, Szan, Tóth Vera and more than 500 dancers
Sponsor: INNER Inc.
Sound: AVADVICE Inc. (6000W)
Security: SZENTINEL Inc.
Dancing hall: Casa de la Música
Dance training: New Line Dance, Dance Force
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