It cant all be all sudden death.
We’re so much different than the rest.
Just clear that desktop start fresh. Just let your seat back take a breath.
You’ll find it’s worth it cause life ain’t perfect.
From the album “Innocent Country 2“ by Quelle Chris & Chris Keys
Vocals: Quelle Chris
Produced: Chris Keys
Co-produced: Quelle Chris
All Instruments Played: Chris Keys
Directed and edited by Dominik Galleya and Clemens Niel
DP and colors: Clemens Niel
AC and lights: Ivo Cerwenka, Thomas Guggenberger
Set photography: Sara Piñeros
Catering: Sarah Oos
...da Burzic, Virgile Bellaiche, Sara Piñeros, Malen Lope, Lakota Wijonarko, Edgar Lessig, Ivo Cerwenka, Dominik Galleya, Manuel Defregger, Sarah Oos, Juan Pablo Linares, Yazdan Zand, Ahoo Maher
Special Thanks:
Sophia Wäger, India Shop Linz, Christoph Straganz, Wolfgang Fuchs, Wolfgang Lepschi
Sounds Beautiful Like The Truth
Mello Music Group, 2020
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