Christmas gingerbread house圣诞姜饼屋

Hi, if you are watching this video, please give me a like and subscribe to motivate me to make more videos. Thank you very much !❤️❤️ Template of the House Some dimensions are slightly different to the house in the video, but it’s a better and upgraded version. Facebook: Instagram: Gingerbread cookies recipe 姜饼 Ingredients 780 g All Purpose Flour 中筋面粉 ½ tsp baking powder 泡打粉 4 tsp Ground Ginger 姜粉 4 tsp Ground Cinnamon 肉桂粉 ½ tsp Salt 盐 339 g Unsalted Butter, Room Temperature 软化黄油 330 g Sugar 砂糖 325 grams Dark Molasses 黑糖蜜
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