HOW TO DO WHAT!?! Nollie Bigspin Heelflip with Tyler Schlatt

How To Do What is BACK!!! for those of you that are long time subscribers, you’ll remember Taylor Kennedys tutorial on the switch grapeflip, his fellow Benician Tyler Schlatt takes up where he left off with this Nollie Bigspin Heelflip over Benicia Skateparks hip. Our friend Gary Rogers does voiceover duty and kills it with this one with Katniss Everdeen references and the whole nine. If you actually learn a Nollie Big Heel by watching this trick tip nobody will be more surprised than us, but check it out anyway, may not be the best in the way of skateboarding how tos but it should be good for a laugh. Most entertaining or highest rated comment on this weeks vids get BEAST OF THE WEEK for next weeks uploads. We love to hear from all of you! Find Metro on the web at: Share your pics with us on Instagram @metroskateshop Stay one step ahead of whats posting by liking us on Facebook: and please subscribe f
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