2023 Worlds review – Ball final (top 6)

2023 Worlds review – Ball final (top 6) 00:28 Daria Atamanov 02:23 Boryana Kaleyn 04:21 Stiliana Nikolova 06:18 Sofia Raffaeli 08:15 Darja Varfolomeev 10:14 Ekaterina Vedeneeva 12:08 Explanations (12:11 Difficulty - 21:45 Artistry) 25:51 Results (check comments for corrections) This is a review done with FIG front videos. Judges’s scores are competition’s scores (done live). Mine are not challenging them. Even if I can be more accurate in some ways, I know I am never 100% objective and right... I’m not superhuman and I am open to critics. Check the description and comments for additional explanations, corrections and critics. ❤ Thanks to my 3 patreons who keep sticking to me all those months despite me not posting anything. But now here I am! If you wish to support me (my videos aren’t monetized, because music copyright), you can do it here or with any amount you wish :D Thank you all !
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