The Japanese dwarf flying squirrel (Pteromys momonga; Japanese: ???????; Hepburn: Nihon momonga) is one of two species of Old World flying squirrels.
It is native to Japan where it inhabits sub-alpine forests and boreal evergreen forests on Honshu and Kyushu islands.
It grows to a length of 20 cm (8 in) and has a membrane connecting its wrists and ankles which enables it to glide from tree to tree. During the day this squirrel hides in a hole, usually in a coniferous tree, emerging at night to feed on buds, leaves, bark, fruits and seeds. This squirrel faces no particular threats, has a wide range and is relatively common, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists it as a “least-concern species“.
The Japanese dwarf flying squirrel is nocturnal, and during the day it rests in holes in trees. It eats seeds, fruit, tree leaves, buds and bark. It can leap from tree to tree using a gliding membrane called its patagium. The patagium works as a wingsuit enabling it to maneuver and glide through
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