Is The Beatles I Am The Walrus about a Pudding Basin?

John Lennon, known for his whimsical and often cryptic songwriting style, did make a playful comment about The Beatles’ song “I Am the Walrus“ potentially being about a pudding basin. The song, released in 1967, is known for its surreal and abstract lyrics, which have sparked various interpretations over the years. In an interview, Lennon mentioned the idea that the song’s meaning could be as arbitrary as being about a pudding basin instead of the deeper and more symbolic interpretations that fans and critics often attach to it. This comment reflects Lennon’s sense of humor and his tendency to playfully dismiss the notion of a definitive interpretation. “I Am the Walrus“ is a prime example of Lennon’s experimental and non-linear songwriting during The Beatles’ later years. Its lyrics are a collage of random phrases, wordplay, and references, making it difficult to assign a singular meaning to the song. Lennon often drew inspiration from various sources, in
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