The Song Paul McCartney Wrote on the Spot after being Challenged by Dustin Hoffman

The Song Paul McCartney Wrote On The Spot After Being Challenged By Dustin Hoffman It was in Jamaica when Paul McCartney ran into Dustin Hoffman, it was around 1973 and Dustin Hoffman was filming Papillion. They spent some time together and Hoffman was very interested in understanding how McCartney wrote songs. He asked if he could write them about anything, McCartney didn’t really have an immediate answer for Hoffman. Evidently there was a magazine on the table featuring the news of famed painter Pablo Picasso’s death and he last words which were “Drink to me. Drink to my health. You know I can’t drink anymore”. Hoffman pointed out that phrase to McCarney and said try this. Within a few minutes, McCartney thought up a few song lyrics based on Picasso’s last words in front of a shocked yet thrilled Hoffman. That song which was called Picasso’s Last Words (Drink to Me)” ended up on the 1973 Smash Album “Band on the Run” by Paul McCartney and Wings. That album went triple platinum in the
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