Alfred Hitchcock - Rope - Funny Story

Certainly! Here’s another amusing story about Alfred Hitchcock: During the filming of the movie “Rope“ (1948), Hitchcock decided to have some fun with the cast and crew. The film was shot in long takes, giving the illusion of a continuous single shot. To maintain the illusion, Hitchcock came up with a unique solution. He had the props team construct a large, moveable set piece resembling a large chest with hidden wheels. This allowed the crew to move the set piece around discreetly while the camera followed the actors during the long takes. Hitchcock called it the “Hitchcock Express.“ During one particular scene, Hitchcock instructed the crew to move the set piece right behind the actors without their knowledge. As the actors performed their lines, the set piece silently rolled behind them. When they turned around, they were startled to see the massive object seemingly appear out of nowhere. The actors were momentarily confused, but Hitchcock couldn’
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