TEARS by Edivaldo Ernesto
Edivaldo Ernesto presents his famous solo Tears with the intension to involve the audience in the enraging reflection on human freedom.
A man between fear and wondering, bothered by unreasonable doubts. We watch his journey through rules that become uncomfortable roles.
Discharging the rage, imploding into claustrophobic corners, he dashes into transformative reactions, unpredictable blasts of energy, delicate micro-narrative gestures and an illustration of movement figures in sensitive contrast with the music.
In an unbreakable tension between the performer and the audience, Tears reflects on what you can or cannot do when you demand liberty.
Conceived and Choreographed by: Edivaldo Ernesto
Music: Zbigniew Preisner
Costumes: Edivaldo Ernesto
Video © Walter Bickmann
Ο Edivaldo Ernesto παρουσιάζει το περίφημο σόλο του, Tears, με σκοπό να παρασύρει το κοινό σε έναν φορτισμένο στοχασμό πάνω στην ανθρώπινη ελευθερία. Ένας άνθρωπος διχασμένος ανάμεσα στο φόβο και την επιθυμία της