Doberman Dog Born Different Gets Bullied By His Family | Kritter Klub

*Please don’t forget to hit the CC button for Subtitles* Doberman dog family was raised by a lovely hooman family. However, one was born different and the dog family decided to leave him out. The poor dog named ’Bank’ then receives much love from the woman that he becomes overly attached. What can we do for Bank? Subscribe: Keep up with Kritter Klub On Facebook: On Instagram: On Twitter: More videos about ‘Sherlock, It’s An Animal Mystery 🕵️‍♂️’: #Kritterklub #Dog #Doberman #Cutedogs #Dogvideos Kritter Klub- Club for Critter Lovers Looking for some critter stories? You are at the right place! We’re Korean animal lovers who have been filming critter stories from 2001 until now. That’s where the “K” comes from! Join the club by subscribing to our channel, and enjoy two new videos posted daily!
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