How Britain Stole $45 Trillion from India with Trains | Empires of Dirt

There is a misguided idea that India should be grateful for the democracy, law and trains that the British Empire brought to their country. But along with these ‘gifts’, Britain also stole $45 trillion from India during its long and oppressive rule, which culminated in the biggest mass migration in human history during the Partition of India and Pakistan. And those beloved trains? They became the sites of mass slaughter as violent clashes occurred when over four million people were uprooted from their homes and forced to trek to a Muslim-majority Pakistan and a Hindu-majority India. VICE World News host Zing Tsjeng reveals exactly why India shouldn’t be grateful for their trains. Click here to subscribe to VICE: Watch episode one of Empires of Dirt, looking at how the City of London and its financial institutions profited from slavery in America long after the slave trade was abolished: About VICE: The Defini
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