TOP 30 JELLY Cakes | Quantastic Favorites

Jelly cakes have captured our hearts for years now, so when choosing our favorite topics, we had to include these incredible cakes! What do you think? Thumbnail image 1: Quantastic Creation Jelly cakes became popular in the early 20th century thanks to the introduction of flavored gelatin products, especially the brand Jell-O. To add flavor and color, it’s common to mix the gelatin with fruit juice. What flavor do you think this cake is? Thumbnail image 2: Quantastic Creation The “bubbles“ in bubble tea are actually tapioca pearls, but there is also a variation called jelly bubble tea where they use gelatin to make them. This adds a softer texture and allows a diverse range of flavors, as well as sizes! Have you ever tried this kind of beverage? Check Out These Amazing Artists: GELATIN ART MARKET Instagram: Youtube: Web: F
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