What’s in the Latest US Arms Package + US Provocations vs Russia & China

Russian military operations in Ukraine US Escalation vs Russia & China continues... - Latest US arms package for Ukraine contains fewer actual weapons to be transferred to Ukraine, and more contracts for new weapons to be built; - Weapons like the ground-launched small diameter bomb is included in weapons yet-to-be-built and face compatibility issues with Ukraine’s existing MLRS force; - Other equipment listed like counter battery radar sets appear to indicate large numbers of losses to Russian military operations; - Germany’s decision to send 14 Leopard 2 tanks and 88 Leopard 1 tanks reveal a very deliberate invocation of Germany’s sordid history during WW2; - US weapons pouring into Ukraine are types unlikely to be used in a potential war Washington Seeks to provoke with China; - The “balloon“ incident represents a deliberate stepping stone toward war put in place by US leadership; References: US Department of Defense - Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine (Feb. 3, 2023): US DoD - Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder Holds an On-Camera Press Briefing (Feb. 3, 2023): Reuters - Analysis: Ukraine’s new weapon will force a Russian shift (February 2023): Reuters - Exclusive: U.S. weighs sending 100-mile strike weapon to Ukraine (November 2022): New York Times - U.S. Sends Longer-Range Weapons (February 2023): Military Aerospace Electronics - SRCTec to build counter-fire radar to protect Ukraine from rocket, artillery, and mortar (RAM) threats: US DoD - $600 Million in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine (Sept. 15, 2022): US Army Acquisition Support Center - AN/TPQ-50 LIGHTWEIGHT COUNTER MORTAR RADAR (LCMR): Military Dot Com - Marines Fire Anti-Ship Missile from Back of Unmanned Truck to Hit Target at Sea: BBC - Germany confirms it will provide Ukraine with Leopard 2 tanks (January 2023): Politico - Germany to send 88 Leopard I tanks to Ukraine (February 2023): Anti-Defamation League - Hate Symbols: The Cold Lake Sun - Tanks that saved the day in Afghanistan to be used for target practice in Cold Lake (November 2021): US State Department - US Relations with Taiwan: VOA - US Nearly Doubled Military Personnel Stationed in Taiwan This Year (2021): Alex Christoforou - US DOJ freeze, seize, transfer. Long range weapons aimed at Crimea. China spy balloon in Cyprus. U/1: Where to Find My Work: Website: Telegram: Twitter: Odysee (YouTube alternative): @LandDestroyer:8 Rumble (YouTube alternative): Weibo: ไบรอัน แฟนคลับ (Facebook): Line Group: Gab: VK (Facebook alternative): How to Support my Work (and thank you!): Buy Me A Coffee: Patreon: PromptPay: 0851547235 Cryptocurrency Donations: Ethereum (ETH): 0xee6ed93c3adc474450011e9af22939a0b9b312c7 BitCoin (BTC): 1AfGnbmHxA6cy9YKUSxysXvpJPyecpBKrr Monero (XMR): 845TCXx3pchSBXuDL7FHG679gbWD2wkHS6MJxuq7jFVsVFj7T6xsry747uhhGZUdkaRXbbrMfo5c8RnGfzGZ13KxQUdHVLR
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