Open 4th Eye: Interdimensional Travel • 32 TRILLION Hertz • PURE CLEAN BINAURAL TONES

“Once every decade a soundtrack like this comes about, although the human ears can only hear up to 20,000 Hz the Pineal Gland is still susceptible to any heightened Hz and although you may not be able to notice the 32000000000000 hertz with your ears - your pineal gland is aware of everything.“ With the fourth eye we understand that both positive and negative emotions are part of a larger plan and purpose. What is the 4th eye? Well when opened it gives us the ability to see the 4th dimension. With the fourth eye we see that life on other planets and in other galaxies and dimensions plays a role in the evolution of consciousness. With the fourth eye open, you may begin to see reality in a completely different way. What you are about to hear is truly exceptional in modern audiological standards, which in turn is proclaimed by some ’impossible to create’. However, with tireless efforts, we can finally present the game changer in modern meditation techniques. This audio track is ma
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