Canti della Rivoluzione Algerina - Songs of the Algerian Revolution (الثورة الجزائرية‎‎) - Full

This is a 10 inch record with songs of the Algerian Revolution (1954-1962) published in Italy | Tracklist (in Italian): 00:00 - 01- Anonimo - Inno Della Resistenza 01:27 - 02 - Farid Aly - Racconto D’oggi 08:19 - 03 - Djaafer Beck - Oh, De Gaulle 12:07 - 04 - Anonimo - Non C’È Altro Dio Che Dio 16:46 - 05 - Ahmed Wahby - L’Algeriasie’ Ribellata 20:56 - 06 - Anonimo - Nostra Algeria DISCLAIMER: The views represented on this record by no means represent those of the collector and uploader. We collect
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