60 Greatest Ever Irish Rebel Songs | Over 3 Hours

60 Greatest Ever Irish Rebel Songs - Various Artists 1. God Save Ireland - Dermot O’Brien - 00:00 2. The Broad Black Brimmer - Brier - 02:11 3. Plastic Bullets - Terence O’Neill & Cormac O’Moore - 04:45 4. The Foggy Dew - Patsy Watchorn - 08:29 5. The Man from the Daily Mail - Blackthorn - 12:26 6. Blood On Our Land - Catherine And The Spurs - 15:12 7. Twenty Men from Dublin Town - Danny Doyle - 18:16 8. Kelly the Boy from Killane - Jackie O’Brien & The Pikemen - 20:46 9. Grace - Patsy Watchorn - 23:39 10. Free the People - Shamrog - 27:57 11. Ireland Unfree - Tommy Sands - 31:03 12. Rock On Rockall - Justice - 33:42 13. The Rising of the Moon - Dermot O’Brien - 36:12 14. The Lid of Me Granny’s Bin - Blackthorn - 38:07 15. Bonfire On the Border - Brendan Behan - 41:29 16. The Boys of Kilmicheal - Declan Hunt - 43:22 17. The People’s Own M.P. - Terence O’Neill & Cormac O’Moore - 46:26 18. The Valley of Knockanure - Seán O’Sé - 50:
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