Raven, the Belgian Malinois! They were my dream breed for several years prior of getting her. Had so many put me down, telling me I couldn’t handle one and that they wouldn’t be a good fit. Gotta say I am proud of my stubborn personality and got one anyways. I’m very blessed that she joined in the family during the time she did, as she worked her way into my heart pretty quickly and gave me a job when things were a bit rough during this past year.
Even during our wild year, it didn’t stop us having fun adventures, training sessions, training classes and countless of playing sessions where ever went went together! She’s an amazing co-pilot who traveled with me from NY to the Mexican border all less than 2 weeks. We also had several changes where we all needed to adjust and she wasn’t phased one bit! She matured into the Malinois of my dreams for sure! Such solid temperament with such a sweet lovable personality! Everyone is a friend in her eyes!
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