Ingrown Toenail Surgery
How long does it take to recover from ingrown toenail surgery?
Ingrown Toenail Surgery Recovery
Full healing of the surgical site can take between two to six weeks, and in some cases longer. The most common post-surgery complication is infection, especially if there was an infection present before the procedure. We will help you treat any infection with oral antibiotics.
How painful is ingrown toenail surgery?
Surgery to remove an ingrown toenail
Sometimes people can feel reluctant to have some of their nail removed. We reassure patients that ingrown toenail surgery is a painless procedure as it’s performed using a local anesthetic.
Can you walk after ingrown toenail surgery?
The short answer is YES! You can walk straight after nail surgery. Nail surgery is a great, curative option for an ingrowing toenail that recurs time and time again.
Is ingrown nail surgery safe?
Ingrown toenail surgery is generally safe and effective. If you have a partial toenail removal, your nail may grow back in approximately three to four months. If you had your toenail totally removed, regrowth can take up to a year.
Can you wear shoes after toenail removal?
You should wear loose-fitting shoes or sneakers for the first 2 weeks after the procedure. Please avoid wearing high-heeled or tight-fitting shoes in the future. You should avoid running, jumping, or strenuous activity for 2 weeks after the surgery.
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#IngrownToenailSurgery #ToenailRemoval #Podiatry #FootSurgery #IngrownToenailTreatment #SurgicalProcedure #ToeSurgery #FootHealth #LocalAnesthesia #PostoperativeCare #NailAvulsion #NailBedRemoval #IngrownNailRelief #PainRelief #RecoveryProcess #SurgicalComplications #FootCare #NailCare
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