If You Experience Any of These 20 Signs, Your Soul is Getting Quantum Upgrades ✨ Dolores Cannon

In the teachings of Dolores Cannon, we uncover profound truths about the purpose of our existence here on Earth. For centuries, this knowledge has been veiled, reserved for only the most advanced souls who were ready to embark on the journey of spiritual evolution. However, as we stand on the precipice of great change, the Earth herself is undergoing a profound transformation, ascending to higher levels of consciousness and evolution. ✨❤️ ⏰ VIDEO CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction to the Teachings of Dolores Cannon 01:38 Connection to Light Frequencies 02:42 Energetic Healing Upgrades 04:02 Heightened Sensitivity 04:59 Upgrade of Energy Centers (Chakras) 06:44 Synchronicity and Symbolism 07:49 Waking Up at 3-4 AM 09:21 Deja Vu and Dimensional Shifts 10:19 Attraction to Certain Individuals 11:03 Repulsion from Certain Individuals 13:24 Shift in Perspective 14:32 Release of Judgment 15:27 Manifestation Acceleration 16:32 Release of Karmic Toxi
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