Familiar Stranger [♥] SasuIno [♥]

Hey Minna-san~~ HD please ;) How are you today? :3 Haha no, I haven’t stop supporting my OTP x3 ♥ SasuIno is still the Love of my Life and that won’t change X’P Woah it’s 2 month ago, I’ve uploaded something! But I’m working on my 1000 Subs special, and I have to do a lot for the University so there was not much time for Youtube. Well at least not for making a video fast. To this video here. I’m kinda proud of it! At first I thought I won’t finish it, cuz the song isn’t really my type and yeah. Then I watched a few videos of Kawaii Cosmo and Chanteara Mystell and BANG there was my motivation again X’D Thanks to you two ♥ x3 ;** There isn’t really a story... the song is somehow about a guy who thinks that a girl isn’t as special as he thought but can’t get over her tho.... or something like that?! And my video... well it’s more like Sasuke and Ino getting close to eachother.... or something...
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