【Multi Sub】一口气看完《离婚后,霸总天天想娶我》治好瘫痪霸总的腿后他竟要和我离婚!霸总,我们离婚了别再纠缠我了,我有孩子了!#短剧 #甜宠

成为此频道的会员抢先观看完整版: #短剧 #甜宠 #大陆短剧 #热播短剧 #离婚后,霸总天天想娶我 #恋爱 #复仇 #shortdrama #chinesedrama 向家向叶家下婚书,欲娶叶家小姐,因传闻向家大少向雷英残疾且性情变态,叶家次女赵雨凝提议让叶家长女叶玲嫁去向家。叶玲嫁入向家后被向家人因为年纪嫌弃,却得向雷英善待并治愈了向雷英的瘫痪。向雷英痊愈后,叶家次女又想夺回向家少夫人之位,诬陷叶玲预谋绑架亲夫,导致向雷英与叶玲离婚。四年后,成为优秀外科大夫的叶玲在医院里再次遇见了向雷英…… The Xiang family gave a letter of marriage to the Ye family to marry the Ye family’s young lady. Due to the rumor that the youngest member of the Xiang family, Xiang Leiying, is handicapped and has a perverted temperament, the second daughter of the Ye family, Zhao Yuning, proposed that Ye Ling, the daughter of the Ye family, be married to the Xiang family. After marrying into the Xiang family, Ye Ling is disliked by the Xiang family because of her age, but she is treated well by Xiang Leiying and cured of his paralysis. After Xiang Leiying was cured, the second daughter of the Ye family tried to take back the position of the young lady of the Xiang family and falsely accused Ye Ling of premeditated kidnapping of her husband, which led to the divorce of Xiang Leiying and Ye Ling. Four years later, Ye Ling, who has become an excellent surgeon, meets Xiang Leiying again in the hospital. ...... 正版授权,侵权必究
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