Comparing Modern to Victorian Corsets (and why not all corsets are ok)

Thank you to Audible for sponsoring this video! New Audible members get a 30-day free trial. Visit or text “ bernadette “ to 500 500 to try Audible today! Noelle (Costuming Drama)’s channel: For loads more analysis and review of modern corsets, Lucy’s Corsetry is an excellent channel to check out: Lucy’s website is also a fabulous resource for corsetry knowledge, and includes a comprehensive database of current corset sellers: A slightly less comprehensive list of corsetmakers I’ve put together myself: FOOTNOTES: [1] Image © Vanyanis, used with permission. [2] Home Notes. “The KHIVA Corselet“. Home Notes, vol. IV, 10 November, 1894, p. 116. Google Books,
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