Catalina Vicens, Oldest Playable 16th-C. Harpsichord

Этот самый старый клавесин, сохранившийся до наших дней, услаждал слух итальянской знати 1530-х годов. В 21 веке божественная музыка звучит в исполнении Каталины Висенс (Чили) Catalina Vicens, Renaissance harpsichord May, 2014 #OldestHarpsichord @CatalinaVicens1 @NMMUSD ’Per dolor mi bagno il viso’ From Andrea Antico’s keyboard music print Frottole Intabulate, Rome 1517. This concert excerpt is part of the first public performance on the Renaissance harpsichord after being restored and brought back to its original state. This Neapolitan harpsichord is thought to be the oldest - and best preserved - harpsichord in fully playable condition (). Its
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