Santa Claus fun runs spread Christmas cheer around the world

전 세계서 열리는 산타클로스 달리기 행사 And in our final story runners around the world took to the streets to spread Christmas cheer over the weekend. Just outside Paris, 2-thousand runners donned Santa Claus costumes for the 10-kilometer run of the 44th Christmas Corrida in Issy-les-Moulineaux The Hungarian capital, Budapest also had a festive run which saw roughly 40 participants face freezing temperatures in Santa hats and red bathing suits for the 19th Budapest Naked Santa Run. Meanwhile in Mexico City hundreds of Santa Claus runners took part in the capital’s fourth Santa Fun Run. #Santa_Claus #Chris...tmas #Arirang_News 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2022-12-12, 09:00 (KST)
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