Painting timelapse of cute schoolgirl and black cougar (puma) in paintstorm studio. Starting from 10 min sketch (that was not represented in video) some randome guy told meto draw teen girl. Funny moment was happence in the middle of process, when I decide to show it to my cousin in the middle of the process (~10h), to know what he will tell. In that time I thought that image almoust done. And when I’ve showed him it the first time he told: “welp.. it’s looks on 6/10 — and completely not interesting“.. So I decided that my eyes was too much blurred/used to it, and it’s really not well done. Next day I trying somehow improve it, I’ve asked him again and now he told me: “You know.. all looks nice, but except this girl. Just drop it from image. It’s more interesting without her“ 😄 When I rid of her, he: “oh!.. now it looks better“ 😂 Perfect So.. that’s why the reason why I split them on two images. But because I felt that image with cougar have empty part I decided to fill it with something. And yeah, I do
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