Dave Grusch is a former 14-year high ranking intelligence officer who left government in early ’23 to blow the whistle on UFO’s. In 2019, he was tasked by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and Pentagon to investigate UFO’s as part of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Task Force (or UAPTF). In that context, he slowly started to uncover a covert UFO reverse engineering program being concealed from the civilian government. In June of ’23, he outed himself to the public. In July of ’23, he testified before Congress. We sat down for hours and talked about the entire history of UFO’s, UFO and Atomic secrecy, Presidents and their relationships to UFO’s and the insane world of Anti-Gravity research.
A Film by American Alchemy. Stay tuned for YesTheory’s documentary coming September 24th!!! @UCvK4bOhULCpmLabd2pDMtnA
Produced in Collaboration with
Yes Theory
Written by
Jesse Michels
Directed by
Ammar Kandil
Produced by
Jesse Michels and Bryan Felber
Edited by
Bryan Felber
Assistant Edited by
Jack Bullock
Cinematography by
Shawn Malangyaon
Luke Gaie
Ian Leach
Additional Cinematography by
Mario Kidd
Production Sound Mixer
Tim Brazzell
Special Thanks
Staffan Taylor
Red Panda Koala
Garry Nolan
Hal Puthoff
Eric Weinstein
Jacques Vallée
Robert Hastings
Michael Masters
Diana Pasulka
Nick Cook
Paul Schatzkin
Resources for people who want to dive deeper:
Dave’s Congressional Testimony:
Newsnation Interview:
Redpandakoala makes the best documentaries on UFO’s on YouTube and helped me with research for this video: @RedPandaKoala
Robert Hastings, UFO’s and Nukes: =sr_1_1?crid=ZPCX9IU3U2FG&keywords=ufos and nukes&qid=1694391607&sprefix=ufos and nuke,aps,284&sr=8-1
Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point: =sr_1_1?crid=2U1F3Y0CRYXHS&keywords=the hunt for zero point&qid=1694393431&sprefix=the hunt for zero po,aps,196&sr=8-1
Paul Schatzkin, The Man Who Mastered Gravity: =sr_1_1?crid=1KHPWW5QDJ0J3&keywords=the man who mastered gravity&qid=1694389452&sprefix=the man who mastered gravirty,aps,567&sr=8-1
Diana Pasulka, American Cosmic: =sr_1_1?crid=VB99MKVCL86U&keywords=american cosmic&qid=1694393567&sprefix=american cosmic,aps,162&sr=8-1
Jacque Vallee, Passport to Magonia: =sr_1_1?crid=VB99MKVCL86U&keywords=american cosmic&qid=1694393567&sprefix=american cosmic,aps,162&sr=8-1
Jane’s Defence Weekly: Article on Anti-Gravity:
Twining Memo 1947:
Brian Muraresku, Immortality Key:
Robert Becker, The Body Electric: =sr_1_1?crid=2I2M2CXM6NNH7&keywords=the body electric&qid=1694395270&sprefix=the body electr,aps,661&sr=8-1
Edwin Abbott, Flatland: =sr_1_1?crid=27W7HAJ57TUMO&keywords=flatland&qid=1694395289&sprefix=flat,aps,400&sr=8-1
J Alan Hynek, The UFO Expeirence: 3=sr_1_1?crid=2G5A9ACAYZOKE&keywords=j alan hynek&qid=1694395327&s=audible&sprefix=j alan hynek,audible,166&sr=1-1-catcorr
JRE Episode with Bob Lazar:
*** AMERICAN ALCHEMY is an original series hosted by Jesse Michels that explores the frontier of science and tech. We bring you exclusive interviews with some of the leading thinkers of our time.