Grandmaster Chess Ep 15: Vladimir Kramnik’s immortal
After completing the series of Improving Chess (100 episodes!) we are now moving to a new series with the stand-up comedians (Samay, Biswa, Vaibhav and Anirban) called “Grandmaster Chess“.
IM Sagar Shah is the host of the show and he will invite different GMs from all across the world to show their best game of chess. Each game will have 10 critical questions that the GM will pose the comedians and we will have a winner for the day. Wouldn’t this be a wonderful learning experience?!
The guest of 15th episode is 14th World Champion Vladimir Kramnik - one of the greatest chess players ever to have graced the sport. Kramnik beat Kasparov in 2000, when the latter was on the height of his powers. He then defended his title against Peter Leko in 2004 as well. In this episode we will have Kramnik showing the best game of his chess career!