Credible Messenger work is 24hrs & days a week ALL SUPPORT IS WELCOMED
Support the work of Credible Messengers who are mentors to the Younger Generation in need.
You can make a difference by donating today to Incarcerated Nation Network Inc We are building safe spaces for young adults top thrive, our Youth Anti-Prison Project (YAPP) , houses, trains and fully supports NYC Justice Impacted Young Adult leaders. our initial 16week Trauma Informed Credible Messenger Training is the doorway into change.
Upon completion our young adults can choose between several academies that house, train and employ them for their entire community supervision sentence, creating community based solutions to incarceration and clear pathways to stability for the next generation.
MikeyLikesIt Academy
The GIRLS Academy
Health Station Academy
LyfeChangers Academy
Day too Academy
Young Adult Perspective Project
Young Adult Peer Providers
our youth need resources, our project will provide food clothes and shelter, thats alot of underlined needs that