A 0-Health Minion Can Still Attack? | Hearth Tech#346

00:00 Intro A 0-Health Minion Can Still Attack? 00:13 Test1 The Deathrattle of Leeroy the Reckless doesn’t work if copied by Piloted Whirl-O-Tron. 00:29 Test2 Death’s Head Sage triggers when the phase switches. 01:21 Test3 Halfus the Wise can trigger Storm Splitter, but it does not consume the effect. 01:52 Test4 Vol’jin doesn’t work properly with Magnetic minions. 02:36 Test5 Lightning Invocation on Spirit Raptor can be triggered in the Recruit phase. 03:02 Test6 The Sky Pirate copied by Pack Tactics will attack immediately. 03:40 Outro BGM: Senna, the Redeemer Twitter: #Hearthstone
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