Arrested For Accusing Bill Gates Of Epstein Connections – Peter Flaherty Reacts!

In a video that has gone viral and then some, Peter Flaherty of the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) stepped up to the microphone at the recent Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, but then his mic was suddenly cut and he was promptly arrested as soon as he brought up Bill Gates’ connection to Jeffrey Epstein. So at least someone is getting arrested in connection to Epstein, even though it’s just a corporate stockholder calling out the nefarious activities of billionaires. Jimmy and Americans’ comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Flaherty about the experience, why he thinks he was silenced, the awful state of politics in the United States and whether he plans to sue. Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurt’s website: Become a Premium Member: Go to a Live Show: Subscribe to Our Newsletter:
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