FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel | Justin Peters/SO4J-TV

★From SO4J-TV & Justin Peters ★ & ★So many churches these days Preach a: Worldly Man-centered pragmatic Shallow “gospel“ that is focused merely on this life, & is CONTRARY to God’s Word VS the TRUE GOSPEL which is about the Good News of “REPENTANCE & FAITH in JESUS“ (Mark 1:15). So many professing Christians lack Biblical Discernment as well. ★Professing Christians should be diligently SEARCHING the SCRIPTURES DAILY (Acts 17:11), & BE DISCERNING & COMPARE what you are HEARING from these False Teachers (&anyone, including us) along w/their False Prophecies (that are Mixed w/Truth in their Sermons),& Compare it w/God’s Word. Remember too, it’s not always what False Teachers say, it’s what they DON’T say. MANY seem to ONLY want to talk about “God’s Love“ (along w/their: Money-talk, &/or Self-Esteem, or Pragmatic people-pleasing talk etc)-- they are NOT at all
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